Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I love Mondays

Yes, it's true...I DO love Mondays. Of course it might have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I'm OFF on Mondays from my full time job (that I also happen to love).
Mondays for me however mean that I get to work on crumbs & crayons stuff- drawing, baking, etc! It also means college bible study time...at our house, so I spend the day tidying up the house and making a few treats for the college kids to snack on. I am so thankful for our pastor and our music minister (my boss) that faithfully lead the study and also for the college kids that faithfully come each week !!! What a great time we have and is another reason to love Mondays!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

where does the time go...

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...the fall flew by, the wet winter went on and on...I wonder what spring will behold?!! These past few months have been seriously crazy...we have a daughter getting married this fall, another graduating next month and yet another on the verge of entering the dreaded middle school! Yet in all of this craziness, God still gives us precious family time together...it may not include a trip to the beach this year, but roasting marshmallows in the fireplace (which we did many times during the winter months), enjoying Sunday lunch together or a little campin' trip always hits the right spot! Below, you will see just a small tidbit of a visual diary from our past 5 months....and the reason that I have not blogged! These past few months have been spent laying some ground work for Crumbs and Crayons, getting the website going (http://www.crumbsandcrayons.com/), and filling illustration and bakery orders! We are so excited to see where God leads us!

illustration for a great realtor!!!

this illustration was made into invitations for a lingerie shower for twins!

valentine cards

we actually had several rounds of snow this winter...very rare for east texas!

our 2009 christmas card...as we each do our own 'thing'